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Company domiciliation

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Are you planning to domicile your company? At REGE Lux, we have the solution!

With its broad range of social and tax advantages, Luxembourg is a prime location for setting up your company’s registered offices.

Definition of domiciliation…

When a company chooses to establish its registered offices on third party premises. This activity is strictly controlled and complies with vigilance rules. For example, Luxembourg law does not allow trading companies subject to authorisation to take up domicile, to enter into a registered office contract.

The domiciliation is an appropriate solution for companies which, because of their activity, do not need their own premises:

The law of 1999

Grants domiciliation activity exclusively to specifically regulated professions.

As a chartered accountant, Fiduciaire REGE Lux, is one of the professionals authorised to carry out this activity.

Domiciliation offers many benefits, including economic ones. Domiciliation offers access to premises, a network of business centres and virtual office services, without the related expenses.

Luxembourg law imposes certain constraints which you should be aware of, in order to select the most appropriate solution for your situation. Based on their knowledge, our experts are here to help you. Allow them to provide an overview of your needs and to propose a range of solutions!

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